Sol Mini Bouquet - Sunflower & Tanacetum Bouquet
Brighten up any occasion with the Sol Mini Bouquet, featuring a charming mix of vibrant sunflowers and delicate tanacetum daisies foliage. Perfect for gifting or adding a splash of sunshine to your own home, this bouquet is sure to bring joy and a smile to anyone's face (including yours)!
Approximate size with Wrapper: ~20cm(w) x 36cm(h)
Mondays- Saturdays
- Order by 7:30am, for delivery between 10am-2pm (same day).
- Order by 12:20pm, for delivery between 2-6pm (same day)
- Order by 3pm, for delivery between 6-10pm (same day)
- Order by 8am, for delivery between 11-3pm (same day)