Mini Bouquet - 3 Stalk Roses, Tanacetum & Eucalyptus Bouquet

Belle Mini Bouquet - 3 Stalk Roses, Tanacetum & Eucalyptus Bouquet

Express yourself with our Belle Mini Bouquet! Featuring three stalks of roses, tanacetum, and eucalyptus, this little bouquet allows you to say it all with the perfect flowers.

Approximate size with Wrapper:

~20cm(w) x 36cm(h)

Mondays- Saturdays

  • Order by 7:30am, for delivery between 10am-2pm (same day).
  • Order by 12:20pm, for delivery between 2-6pm (same day)
  • Order by 3pm, for delivery between 6-10pm (same day)


  • Order by 8am, for delivery between 11-3pm (same day)
Colour Red
S$40.00 Sale Save